Dessert to look beautiful skin? Test the antioxidant power of lemon.

Lemon contains vitamin C, vitamin C works as an antioxidant, acting as a protector of the polyunsaturated fatty acids of the cell membrane. The investigator Paul Pitchford It also attributes to the lemon the degradation of cholesterol, the destruction of bacteria in the intestines and mouth, in addition to stimulating the secretion of bile and improving the absorption of minerals.

Next we present you in GetQoralHealth a delicious dessert to make you look radiant without sacrificing your silhouette.



(8 servings)



1 can of evaporated skim milk

½ cup of lemon juice

Scrape 1 lemon

Artificial sweetener (the equivalent of ¼ cup of traditional sugar)



1) Put the evaporated milk in the freezer (at least 4 hours).

2) Beat the almost frozen milk at maximum speed until it sponges twice.

3) Meanwhile, go adding the other ingredients very little by little.

4) Pour into a platter; Refrigerate for 15 minutes and serve immediately.

Due to its content of vitamin C and photochemical elements, the lemon increases the body's defenses and prepares it in the fight against infections. Its use is convenient in all types of infectious diseases, either viral or bacterial.

Remember to use artificial sweeteners in all your desserts to decrease the caloric content and enjoy without remorse. Enjoy!

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Video Medicine: Recipe • Lemon Foam (May 2024).