How to survive divorce without dying in the attempt

I never thought about it, I never saw it coming. I expected, like many women, that my story of "and they lived happily ever after" would be fulfilled, but it was not like that.

It took me a while to make the decision to ask for a divorce because the signs that I did not want to see, although strong, were not enough for me; and I'm not going to leave with the fact that all the blame was on him because I also had my share of responsibility in this marriage that went down.

Nobody tells you how to live the divorce process . How difficult it is to make the decision to separate yourself from that person with whom you shared so much, the one who left you with his smell, his smile, his gestures and to which you will always be united because you have two wonderful children with him.

Sometimes I feel that I am seeing my life as a movie in which everything happens in front of me. In which I must be 'good' before others (especially before my children), in which routine sometimes suffocates me and I can not afford to fail or distract myself.

Video Medicine: Save Your Marriage While Separated: Do This! (April 2024).