10 things that a man does not dare to say

The differences between the ways in which a man and a woman think, feel and act, often stand out at a glance. The same happens in a couple relationship, in which it is essential to know how communicate them so they can have a better understanding .

However, due to the social, cultural and sexual burden that entails masculinity , there are certain details that are not so easy to express, and that over time men keep until they become simply their secrets .

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth We will tell you some of the things that a man would like to say to a woman. Julie Salomon , sexual psychotherapist reveals it to you:

1. For some men it may be easier to express their feelings through actions, even those that are daily, instead of saying I love you openly.

2. They take seriously the marriage . For many of them having a stable relationship is essential to have a good quality of life, and the choice of their partner makes them feel more secure and proud.

3. The fact that a man remains silent while his partner speaks does not mean that he does not listen. Most of the time he's trying to understand what they're saying, even if he does not seem to pay attention.

4. They like to have a place and space of their own where they can continue to develop their individuality . The better you feel about yourself, the more you can contribute to the relationship.

5. Before a bad experience A man prefers to leave it behind as soon as possible and concentrate on not happening again.

6. The vast majority of men do not know how to read or interpret a woman's signals. They want their partner to communicate clearly and directly. They can not read the mind.

7. They like to feel competent and included, both in the work aspect and in the family, especially in the upbringing of children. In that way they feel encouraged to participate more. For them, it is important self-affirmation and feeling valued .

8. Even if a man thinks several times about sex during the day and have fantasies , or if you turn to see another woman, does not mean that you will make them a reality or that it is a kind of infidelity .

9. When a man feels stable, happy and shares the commitment in his relationship, he enjoys more of the sexual intercourse . And if at any time you do not feel desire, it does not mean that you have lost interest in your partner.

10. They would like to give you everything their partner wants, economically or materially speaking, and it hurts them a lot to not be able to do it.

One of the fundamental issues for a man in a relationship is having the respect and admiration of your partner. When they feel that way, they are able to do everything to keep their relationship happy, stable and lasting.

Video Medicine: Things Not To Say To A Blind Person (April 2024).