Breaking myths ...

45% to 60% of the calories needed to lose weight must come from consumption of carbohydrates, points out the National Library of Medicine of the United States ; that is, between 225 to 325 grams a day.

This is because a low carb diet contributes to the fiber loss , potassium, vitamin C and other essential nutrients to decrease the accumulation of body fat , it states Linda Van Horn of the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwester University, Chicago.


Breaking myths ...

The problem with carbohydrates is that they do not know how to choose, a solution to this is the Program less sizes in 15 days what GetQoralHealth has designed, and that in combination with the following carbohydrate sources provided by the National Library of Medicine of the United States. You will lose weight constantly.

1. Vegetables

A cup of raw or half cooked vegetables, or three quarters of a vegetable juice.

2. Fruit

It must be of medium size (apple, orange or tangerine), and if it is canned, three quarters of a cup is enough.

3. Cereals

A cup of beans or a slice of wholemeal bread.

Carbohydrates are compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and when they are metabolized they produce energy. However, the excess of these can produce high levels of sugar, and diabetes. Keep a record!

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