Strawberries, ideal food for diets

One of the most appreciated fruits since antiquity is the Strawberry , small delicacy that stands out for its intense flavor and excellent nutritional properties. In fact, it has more amount of vitamin C that many citrus fruits.

It is also seen as one of the foods to lose weight, because it has an excellent flavor and is light, because 85% of its composition is water. In fact, his contribution caloric It is very scarce: only 37 calories per 100 grams.

Also, in 100 grams of strawberries we found 0.7 grams of proteins , 7 grams of carbohydrates and only 0.3 grams of grease . Its main value is the high content in vitamin C, because only 100 grams covers the recommended daily amount.

It also contains vitamins A (five micrograms per 100 gr.) And E (0.23 milligrams per 100 gr.), As well as smaller amounts of other vitamins like B1, B2, B3 and B6.

These foods to lose weight, mainly provide potassium and magnesium, but also iron, phosphorus, iodine and calcium. It has 2.2 grams of fiber per 100 grams of product, which means a moderate contribution.


Excellent for health

They have large amounts of elements very necessary for our health, so it strengthens the immune system, and its organic acids have disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effects.

Strawberries are rich in water, incorporate diuretic properties, excellent for people who want to lose weight and have a tendency to retain fluids. This diuretic effect also benefits those who suffer from kidney stones, hypertension and uric acid.

They offer important amounts of salicylates, very positive salts to prevent diseases cardiovascular, degenerative and Cancer . People allergic to aspirin (which are composed of acetylsalicylic acid) should be careful when consuming strawberries, because some adverse effects may occur.

Finally, we can not ignore the important amount of folic acid that have. This compound is fundamental for pregnant , because it favors cell multiplication. Its lack is associated with cases of anemia and cardiovascular problems.

Do not forget that strawberries, in addition to being food to go down weight , is the ideal complement to end with a flourish a succulent meal, whether alone, with cream, with milk or in more elaborate desserts.

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