Calcium deficiency detonates rickets

The calcium It is the most abundant mineral in the human body and serves to maintain strong bones and teeth. In the bones, 99% of the calcium of the body, and the remaining 1% is in the blood and the tissues.

The calcium It is essential for the formation of bones and teeth, as well as to keep them strong and healthy. It helps regulate the heart rate and muscle contraction. This mineral is necessary for the process of coagulation of the blood that allows the healing of wounds. In addition, it contributes to maintaining the liquid balance in the cells and to regulate blood pressure .

The main sources of calcium they are dairy products, green leafy vegetables, nuts, legumes, salmon and sardines.

The Dr. Lilian Mc Kenzie Mention below how you can take care of your bones:

When you do not get the calcium enough of the food, the body automatically takes it from the bones, which causes osteoporosis . For this reason it is important to consume foods that contain it.

The deficiency of calcium slows normal development in children, and in adults causes bone loss. The symptoms are rickets (softening of bones) in babies and children, osteoporosis (weakening of the bones) which causes gradual loss of height, fragile bones and therefore greater risk of fractures.

The lack of calcium in some cases it causes the increase in blood pressure , as well as Cramps in hands and feet. It is not advisable to take calcium supplements without consulting your doctor.

To avoid the risk of suffering osteoporosis Y rickets , it is important to include in your diet foods rich in calcium, such as milk or cheese; If you are lactose intolerant, opt for vegetables, such as spinach, watercress, etc. Take care of the health of your bones!

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