5 diseases that ended with Elvis Presley

35 years after the death of Elvis Presly , it is still a mystery due to the strange circumstances in which the event occurred. However, your general practitioner "Dr. Nick" , stated that his death was due to a set of diseases and ailments suffered by the "King of Rock" .

Elvis suffered constipation chronic due to hereditary inadequacies in the digestive system , which produced a overweight of more than 156 kilos. As a result, he had heart damage and Arrhythmias , which according to the results of the autopsy was the main cause of his death.

As if that were not enough, the "King" he was practically blind because of glaucoma that year after year his vision deteriorated.

Although Elvis had a characteristic hip movement, the singer could not move without painkillers, as he had arthritis , drop and episodes of migraine .

Due to this serious medical condition, Elvis Presly had to resort to the use of drug to be able to appear in the scenarios.

The "King" he publicly acknowledged that he used sedatives to sleep, amphetamines to have energy and liquid cocaine to avoid pain .

In one of his last appearances, before a throat problem, he prepared a drink that included herbs, steroids and liquid cocaine.

All this series of diseases and circumstances of an unhealthy lifestyle slowly put the life of the "King of Rock" , nevertheless, his music is still heard and his legend continues.

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