A drop of blood is key against breast cancer

A blood test could be used as a reliable diagnostic tool against breast cancer in middle-aged and elderly women, according to researchers from the University of Leicester and the Imperial College of London .

In these clinical trials, coordinated by Cancer Research Uk , compares and analyzes the DNA of each of the 500 samples of blood that have been taken from women looking for breast cancer at Charing Cross Hospital, explains the professor Charles Coombes , Director of the Imperial College study.

"Analyzing the samples of blood of women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer on a mammogram, we can see if the Cancer already observed in his blood ", information published by BBC.co.uk

In GetQoralHealth we present you a video of Cancer Research UK where they explain what kind of genetic markers they are detecting and how they could be linked to the treatment of this type of cancer:

If the markers of the DNA present in the different blood samples of those who already have breast cancer, then this analysis could be used as an annual test that identifies the earliest signs of cancer, instead of a mammogram where its development is already observed, details Jacqui Shaw, researcher at the University of Leicester.

In addition, she explains, not only could the impact on women's emotional health be reduced when they undergo a mammogram, they present symptoms such as anxiety or stress , but this test would also allow to use more effective drugs for the particular type of tumor of each patient and monitor their functioning.

This analysis is currently applied to detect breast cancer, however, according to Professor Coombes, its application can also be extended to the early detection of other types of breast cancer. Cancer , Like the ones of colon, rectum and lung .

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