Brain training favors patients with ADHD

Also, it is called cognitive training and is done to increase the functionality and processes of the brain. Through training, different exercises are carried out to increase oral comprehension, reading, writing, visual and auditory skills. Apart from the improvement of brain processes, it could also be considered as cognitive therapy.

Studies show the benefits of brain training for the elderly. It could delay the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Health experts recommend that when you reach age 60, it is best to take a few minutes a day for training and thus avoid memory loss.

There is "brain gyms "That help children and seniors train their brains especially. In them, there are games that allow them to develop flexibility, their memory, the memory of the territory and their abilities to solve problems.

Cognitive brain training could help children who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD ), parents can give them medication. However, there are studies that show that children who receive medications can develop a quiet behavior, but do not show an improvement in their relationships with colleagues or family members.


Can increase the concentration in case of ADHD

Training as cognitive therapy for patients with ADHD In fact, it could increase concentration and short-term memory, according to research conducted by Rosemary Tannock of the University of Toronto, Canada and Susan Gathercole of the University of Durham, in England.

This could be done through computer programs. Actually, computer software is more profitable and easier than personal instruction. Through the use of software, users immediately receive positive reinforcement through rewards or compliments that help improve their self-esteem and confidence.

Cognitive therapy through games also helps those who are recovering from stroke or brain-related diseases. In an investigation of the University of Queensland and the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI), Australia, they discovered that if a neuron or a nerve cell does not receive electrical and chemical stimuli, it will wither and die. For this reason, it is essential in the recovery of diseases that affect the activity of the neuron, keeping the brain cells active.

The research showed that training can contribute to the increase of a person's intelligence, since it helps in the creation of new associations, challenges, understanding and capacity to acquire new information and knowledge. In other studies, it was shown that he could help people to be safer drivers , because it increases concentration, the ability to react quickly and the exact understanding of reality.

Its benefits not only help short-term memory, its effects are potentially long-lasting. According to research by Elizabeth A. L. Stine-Morrow of the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois, the United States showed that the cerebral effects of training were maintained for five years in the elderly who participated in their study.

Video Medicine: New Focus on ADHD/ADD: Neurofeedback training explained and compared to medication. (April 2024).