There is already a reason to fail math

The dyscalculia it is equivalent in mathematics, to the problem of dyslexia at the time of writing. This disorder difficult to understand and the performance of arithmetic and mathematical calculations in the people who suffer it.

According to the website, it is estimated that it affects the 6% of the world population , and is produced by abnormalities in the brain connections that are responsible for this type of learning. Neuroscientists believe that the region of the brain responsible for this capacity is the parietal lobe, and that several genetic factors and development that could contribute to its appearance.

The site defines dyscalculia as a disorder characterized by a specific alteration of the learning ability of arithmetic, do not explainable by a Mental retardation or clearly inadequate schooling. The disorder affects the learning of basic arithmetic knowledge : addition (addition), subtraction (subtraction), multiplication and division more than the more abstract mathematical knowledge of algebra or geometry.

Recent neuroscientific studies show that people with dyscalculia have difficulty understanding the value of numbers, or how to manipulate them to perform operations and calculations . Those affected can not understand abstract concepts like time and direction ; or the concepts of distance, size, formulas and sequences. What causes severe problems to carry out daily activities that involve the management of time or money.

Video Medicine: The three biggest traits for those that struggle with math (April 2024).