Beyond a simple stain ...

It's a normal day, even a routine one could say, until you go to the bathroom and discover in your panties an unexpected stain: blood flow; But, why does not the period still come?

For any woman, this would cause alarm but according to Alfonso Murillo, specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics , in some cases the presence of blood in that area is normal.


Example, it can be part of the tissue that covers the uterus and that is released month by month (in other words, it is a residue of the previous menstruation), "says the interview expert. GetQoralHealth


Beyond a simple stain ...

Usually, the flow is composed of water, mucus and cell debris (desquamated tissue), but sometimes there is an extra element: blood. Why? Next, the specialist Murillo reveals some of the causes:

1. Inflammation due to bacterial infection (parasites).

2. Sexual relations (especially when there was previously presence of inflamed tissues).

3 . Coagulation problems

4. Low doses of hormones; Although it is not frequent, it can occur when oral contraceptives are used.

5. Use of the IUD (Intrauterine Device).

6. Beet consumption; When pigmenting urine or excrement, these can stain the flow slightly giving it a red color.

Remember, "at the moment it is a bleeding out of time (unrelated to menstruation) or abnormal in quantity, that is, very abundant. It's enough to go with the gynecologist, "says Murillo.


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