Beware of these substances!

Did you know Mexico is the second producer and exporter of horse meat in the world? Even if you do not believe it, many people ingest it as food , which causes serious damage to your Health .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth,Daniel Antón Aguilar García, director of Humane Society International in Mexico , explain it meat of horse is harmful to health, so by consuming it can develop different diseases.


"Horse meat is not optimal for human consumption because horses are treated with substances that are prohibited for human consumption and, therefore, can cause important health problems," says Daniel Antón Aguilar.


Beware of these substances!

The specialist details that the vast majority of horses destined for traces have ingested or are injected with chemical substances such as Isoxsuprine, Zilpaterol, Ractopmaine, Triamcinolone Acetonide or Dexamethasone.

All these substances cause blood problems , intestinal (salmonellosis), stomach flu , complications in the pregnancy , poisoning , encephalitis, among others.

You could have eaten it is realize ...

Video Medicine: Talking to the guy with 40 types of substances at home (May 2024).