Asthma crisis requires timely attention

When a person has asthma , your respiratory tract he inflaman and irritate , which can be aggravated when a asthmatic crisis .

There are different factors or triggers that can cause a asthmatic crisis and that aggravate said inflammation , which increases the amount of mucus that is secreted and obstructs the respiratory tract .

Among the most common are the cigar smoke , the exercise , cold air and infections , as the flu . In addition, some asthmatics are allergic and react to exposure to animal dander, dust mites, mold and cockroaches.

A asthmatic crisis It can generate cough , chest tightness, panting, wheezing and difficulties for breathe . When it is presented, it also exists Sweating and the speed is accelerated heart rate .

All asthmatic crisis require timely attention, because if it is a serious episode, the person will have to make great efforts to breathe , even when sitting and still. You may not be able to say more than a few words in a row and you will have to make frequent breaks.

Therefore, in an interview with GetQoralHealth , Mercedes Yencen Valenzuela, pediatric pulmonologist, tells us what we should do when a asthmatic crisis :

The asthmatic crisis can and should be treated in their initial phases, so it is very important to recognize the first signs of alarm before it triggers a crisis .

The most important thing is that the person who has asthma , know that you can prevent following these recommendations: always carry the inhaler Y spacer , stay away from the triggers , control the asthma with the medication in a timely manner, and prepare an emergency plan with family members and doctors.

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