Fried meat triggers prostate cancer

Cooking the meat with high temperatures, especially if fried, can increase the risk of prostate cancer by up to 40%, if done regularly, according to researchers at the University of Southern California and the Institute for Cancer Prevention. California.

In their study, they managed to discover that preparing the meat in high temperatures produces powerful carcinogenic chemical Apparently, according to the scientists, those responsible could be the carcinogenic They attack DNA, which are formed during cooking, according to

These carcinogenic are formed, in particular, when the meat it is cooked at high temperatures (for long periods of time) and the grease falls on the fire, so the smoke deposits these hydrocarbons on it.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the director of the Uroclinic group Carlos Sánchez Moreno, explains the characteristics of prostate cancer:

In addition, they were able to verify that men who consume more than a ration and a half of Red meat cooked in a pan, a week, they have 30% more chance of getting prostate cancer, explains Dr. Mariana Stern, the study's lead author.

While those who ate more than two and a half servings, they had a 40% higher chance of developing advanced cancer.

However, not all red meats They present the same danger. Burgers are associated with an increased risk of cancer, especially among Hispanic study participants.

"We believe that this is due to the different levels of carcinogens that accumulate in hamburgers, because they can reach high internal and external temperatures, faster than a steak or chop," explains Stern.

By contrast, men who eat baked chicken have less risk of prostate cancer, so the specialist recommends not to consume more than twice a week. meat prepared in this way and include chicken and fish in the diet to reduce the risk of cancer.