5 natural fat burners

For lose weight , in addition to a routine exercise , according to the portal Huffington Voices you only need to include in your diet natural fat burners that help you accelerate your metabolism . GetQoralHealth tells you which are the 5 most effective.

1. Tuna, salmon and sardines: They help to eliminate fat thanks to lower levels of leptin in the body. In addition, they contain Omega 3 who take care of your heart

2. Whole grains: They take longer to digest and the body maintains energy as it absorbs them little by little.

3. Cinnamon: Regulates sugar levels in the blood and accelerates the metabolism . Foods that are high in protein such as lean meat, eggs, beans and nuts are also natural fat burners.

4. Cayenne pepper: It has a high content of capsaicin that increases the metabolism , helps the immune system, improves circulation and promotes the increase of body heat, so it burns fat quickly and effectively.

5. Flax seeds: They are a good source of healthy fat, necessary for lose weight . Provides fiber and improves brain energy.

For best results, add three of these foods to your diet , in a short time they raise the temperature and accelerate the metabolism , in this way your body will begin to use accumulated fat as energy.

Video Medicine: How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (May 2024).