Benefits of music therapy

Non-pharmacological or complementary treatments are auxiliary therapies that allow a patient to improve their living conditions during the cancer treatment , even from the moment of diagnosis and until the survival after completing it. One of those therapies is the music therapy , explains the oncologist Francisco Contreras .

In an interview with GetQoralHealth , the author of "The Hope of Living Without Cancer" , says that in the Oasis of Hope Hospital have been able to verify that a comprehensive method for cancer treatment , combined with an exact mix of conventional therapies of natural elements, nutrition, exercise, psychological counseling, education, prayer and activities to lift the mood, prolongs survival up to 50% of the time.


Benefits of music therapy

The music therapy has significant effects by reducing the anxiety , improve the mood and quality of life, and moderately relieve pain, of patients with Cancer , according to a study published in the health review of the Cochrane Library .

In this sense, small reductions in heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure were also observed, so according to the researcher Joke Bradt, from Drexel University in Philadelphia , "Include music as therapy, in cancer treatment, reduces the stress, anxiety , pain and improves mood.

The music therapist Debra Burns, Purdue University, Indianapolis , explains that through this complementary treatment therapists can especially help patients to relax during procedures Stressful and process the tension.

This type of therapy offers diverse results because it is totally personalized. Patients with Cancer they work in each session with instruments, music and vocal expressions with which each one feels comfortable.

In particular, various studies have shown the benefits of music therapy In the treatment of breast cancer and during chemotherapy (various types of tumors), programs have been created in various institutions, such as the University of Madrid, Spain .

Video Medicine: How music therapy changed my life (May 2024).