Are we to make an effort to reach the end?

They have recommended a book to you, and you can not finish it? They gave you the "best seller" of the year, and did not you get hooked? Do not be sad. It's a dilemma that happens to us when we do not like a movie or have lost interest in a television series. Sure, that ... stop read a book half?

A survey conducted a few years ago in Britain showed that a book purchased does not equal a book read. And, surprisingly, the number two of that list, in which no author would want to see his name, occupied an unexpected title, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire": 32% of readers had left half.


Are we to make an effort to reach the end?

Some people feel that they owe the author the effort of reading, as if abandonment were the equivalent of a betrayal. In this case, we should be very careful when choosing the books you buy, it will not be that by stubbornly reading in a wrong way, we end up turning into torture what should be a pleasure.

Ofelia Grande, publisher of Siruela , explained in a recent interview that before trying to finish a book, whether he liked it or not. "I was afraid to think that the good thing would be when I left it or feel that I was not able to understand or appreciate according to what works ... Now it's not like that: if a book I do not like or I can not with him (or he can not with me ) for whatever reason, I make a first effort and try, but if I leave it at the end, I do it without complexes or remorse. Some of them have come back later and I've left them again or liked them, even a lot ... Maybe it was not my time ".


Tips for not abandoning reading

1. One of them consists of not frequenting bookstores until we have finished read a book, since one of the reasons given by those who abandon a reading is that each new title seems more seductive than the previous one and thus they are piling up on the night table copies only started.

2. It also helps to establish a routine to reinforce the constancy and read every day a certain number of pages, flexible according to the possibilities of each one, but continuously, rain, shine or lightning.

3. Beware of fashion books, those that everyone reads, or think you should read, if only to discuss them in public. Many of them fall directly into a category perhaps worse than unfinished books: those that were not even started.

4. If the book in question seems bad to us, we have to leave it; If it comes highly recommended, maybe you have to give it a little more time, but never read something we do not like. There are so many good books to read and so little time!

The Austrian artist Julius Deutschbauer has created in Vienna a permanent exhibition entitled "The library of unread books" (The library of unread books).

Deutschbauer, who is also a librarian, decided a long time ago that the number of unread books is much higher than that of those who have enjoyed that privilege. For years, he has collected donated volumes that have a unique quality in common: his previous owners believe that they should read them, but they never found the opportunity to do so. Something that happens to almost everyone.

Read a book It is the ideal opportunity to undertake a journey into other worlds and yourself.