10 steps to reduce stress

At some point in life, we have all uttered the words "I am very stressed". This is due to the state of tension , anxiety Y nervousness that is generated when responding to the demands that come from work, school or family, and the additional obligations and problems of daily life.

Some specialists say that it is not beneficial to have a high amount of stress , because it can generate a negative effect in almost all organism and cause serious problems of Health , according to information published in The Huffington Post .

Learn to properly treat the stress It can lengthen the life of people. That's why here we give you 10 steps to learn how to decrease it:

Learn to relax!

1.-Practice the meditation : Find a quiet place, away from distractions; clarify your mind and concentrate on your breathing , between 10 and 20 minutes. Try to do it daily, so that you give your body a break physical and mental.

2. Listen to music: Hearing a record by your favorite artist or some soothing sounds like the movement of the sea, waterfalls or sounds of the rainforest, can be a relief for the tension .

3.-Haz exercise : Going for a walk or participating in a complete training program helps you physically and mentally stimulates you.

4.- Write: Writing a diary is a great way to manage your stress . By keeping a record, you can explore your own thoughts and feelings.

5.- Make yoga : This discipline has many benefits against tension , Thanks to the breathing controlled, the meditation and the exercises mental

6.- Reduces the consumption of alcohol: There are studies that show that the intake of quantities of alcoholic beverages reinforce the symptoms of alcohol stress .

7.- Experience muscular relaxation: It is done by isolating a muscle group, that is, it creates tension for 10 seconds and then lets the muscle relax

8 .- Stop overeating: When a person is stressed often eat large amounts of food, but this situation only temporarily distracts you from your problems. Establishes a strategy of feeding that allows you to stay healthy and fit.

9.- Give yourself a massage Relaxing: This therapy It is one of the most pleasant and effective ways to reduce stress. There are different types that go full body, shiatsu or with stones. Your partner can help you by massaging your shoulders for 10 minutes.

10.- Rest: Sleeping the right hours every night is a vital component of a healthy lifestyle. The lack of dream It can decrease mental performance, including loss of concentration and poor memory.

Go ahead and practice the advice that suits you best. Try to relax and avoid the stress Take over your life

Video Medicine: How to Stop Stress in 90 Seconds (April 2024).