Dangerous discomfort!

Where does the hiccup come from or why? This is due to the fact that a type of sudden breath is generated, caused by the contraction of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles.


These spasmodic episodes uncontrolled and repetitive generate the closure of the vocal cords (glottis), which controls the passage of air and are responsible for generating noise characteristic of hiccups.

Many muscles They work so that the air enters through the nose or through the mouth and reaches the lungs at a great speed. The main one of these is the diaphragm, which is located below the lungs.


Dangerous discomfort!

The phrenic nerve is responsible for controlling the diaphragm movements . If it is affected, it begins to send signals that something is not right and therefore the annoying hiccup .

If he diaphragm It irritates the air rises abruptly originated the hiccup which can last several minutes up to several days.

A curious fact about the hiccup is that it mostly afflicts all mammals since the respiratory system is basically similar in all.

A scientific study of Hospital of the Pitié-Salpêtrière of Paris He proposed the theory that hiccups could be the sequel to the evolutionary process by which some animals came out of the water and lived on land.

Video Medicine: Why comfort will ruin your life | Bill Eckstrom | TEDxUniversityofNevada (April 2024).