7 things that are not worth worrying about

The chronic worry or constant about many different events or activities, can trigger generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), which occurs more frequently among women.


According to Medical Center of the University of Maryland , the chronic worry may appear at any time due to family problems or interpersonal relationships, work issues, money, health or others.


7 things that are not worth worrying about


Researchers of the Pennsylvania State University , they found that concern it is the core of all anxiety, and when it becomes a chronic disease it develops various pathologies. Prevent this from happening to you! We share you knows seven things that are not worth worrying about according to the site "Success and Self-Improvement":


1. How do they see you ... Do they treat you? While it is true that the appearance is our cover letter. Remember that this goes beyond an athletic and attractive body.


Worrying about your physical appearance and what others think, damages your self-esteem, affects your emotional health and expresses to others an erroneous image of you.


2. What others think . Are you worried about being judged by the decisions you make towards your life? Remember that only you are the owner of your life, no one can decide how you should live.


Dare to take challenges and stop worrying about what others think.


3. Live and let live. Do you worry about how others live, both physically and emotionally? Stop judging the lives of others, if that does not affect you stop worrying about what they do or do not do and live your life.


4. Perfection. The tireless search for perfection is one of the most frequent concerns; however, perfection does not exist.


Give yourself and strive 100%, that helps you get to perfection, but avoid worrying and stress about it.


5. Life there is only one . There is no way to stop the passage of years, no matter how much money you spend to delay it. Stop worrying about age and enjoy, since there is only one life.


6. Absolute truth. Are you worried about making a mistake? Mistakes are part of being human, truth or absolute reason is not possible.


7. Loneliness. Being alone not only causes concern, it is also part of the fear of many people.


Avoid sinking into your thoughts and live with your friends or family, create new relationships and focus on new activities. That way you will avoid worrying about it.


What worries Mexicans?


Researchers of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (UAEH) , found that 27% of the sample experience excessive concern, 38% find it very difficult to control that concern and 37% worry about small details. Among the themes of concern, the first three are family, work and money.


Fear, shyness and low self-esteem can cause constant concern for things that have a simple solution. Remember to relax and keep positive thoughts in that way you avoid chronic worry . Beware!