AND. Coli in the pools?

Do you think that infections are transmitted in swimming pools? According to a new study of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention United States (CDC, for its acronym in English), most public pools contain E. Coli bacteria.

This type of bacteria can be transmitted when someone sick in the stomach dips into the water or when there is not proper personal hygiene, according to information published in The Huffington Post.

The CDC assure that people can acquire infections in swimming pools when drinking infected water, that is why it is necessary to take into account some recommendations to avoid gastrointestinal discomforts:


  1. Bathe before and after swimming
  2. Avoid using the pools when you have an intestinal infection or diarrhea
  3. Check that the place complies with the standards to disinfect the water.
  4. Use proper clothes to swim (bathing suits, hat and glasses to protect your eyes.
  5. Avoid using the pool as a toilet.
  6. Do not drink the water in the pool

The specialists of the CDC assure that the chlorine kills the germs, nevertheless, its effect is not immediate, reason why it takes time to fulfill its objective and to avoid the propagation of germs.

For its part, to prevent the transmission of infections in swimming pools such as fungi, athlete's foot and amoebas, Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) recommends using plastic sandals, personal bath towel, avoid wearing t-shirts and shirts.

Also check that the water in the pool is clear, odorless, clean tiles, that is, they are not slippery or sticky, noise in the filtration systems.

Remember that in case of any discomfort the best thing is to go with a doctor, who will give you an adequate treatment; Avoid self-medication And you, how many times have you gotten sick to your stomach after swimming?