6 tips to eliminate fat from the thighs

The fat that accumulates in the thighs is a serious problem, especially for women. According to information from Ehowenespanol.com , there is no food or exercise specific that reduces the fat of the thighs. The only way to do this is through the loss of fat from the whole body. To make it, GetQoralHealth share these tips

1. Reduce your consumption of carbohydrates "white" and increases the "brown" color. protein diet Lean with every meal. Choose foods such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, egg whites, cottage cheese, fish, chicken, olive oil, fruits and vegetables.

2. Make five meals a day to stimulate your metabolism and burn the calories extra. Eat every three hours to feel satisfied and avoid sweet food cravings.

3. make exercise High intensity cardiovascular 45 minutes a day, five times a week. You can run, walk, swim or ride a bike to maximize metabolic burn.

4. To tone up muscles , makes exercises of resistance three days a week. Concentrate on your whole body to work proportionally. the exercises Perfect for the thighs with walking, step, extensions and leg push-ups.

5. Avoid consumption of alcohol because it decreases your energy and has calories empty Drink two liters of water per day to eliminate toxins of the body and keep you hydrated.

6. According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention , of U.S , little sleep is associated with obesity , depression Y diabetes . Specialists recommend sleeping nine hours a day.

If you do not have time to do exercise, You can climb stairs or sit in front of your desk, place a ball between your knees and press it hard. Do this exercise at least ten times. Soon you will notice the results.

Video Medicine: How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (May 2024).