A deodorant that keeps your style impeccable

One of my worst nightmares is that the deodorant stains my black clothes; It is so difficult to remove the stains that ... I always end up using another outfit.



Do you know why these annoying white residues are caused by deodorant? They are a consequence of aluminum salts, which dissolve well in water but when it evaporates, the residues remain.


And the most annoying thing is that it does not matter if you wash the cloth with a lot of water: the aluminum salts can reappear when the garment dries and leave horrible yellow spots in the armpit area.



Clothing made with synthetic fabric is more resistant, but cotton clothing is the most vulnerable.


The easiest way to solve this problem? Choose the right deodorant.



I tried NIVEA Invisible for Black & White , And it changed my life! An antiperspirant that protects your black clothes against white spots and reduces yellow spots on your white clothes. *

(* Less white waste in black and reduces new spots in white, tested in cotton.)

Video Medicine: 12 Things Men Wear That Women Love (May 2024).