6 tips for an erotic massage

It is proven that sexual intercourse Pleasants tend to decrease the stress and the tension . In them are caresses, touch and kisses.

In this sense, a erotic massage will allow your partner to sensitize properly and have a greater sensual load, which will help to propitiate and prolong your pleasure .

Therefore, we give you some recommendations to spoil your partner:

1. Invite her to lie down and begin by reassuring her. Kind and gentle words will help you to let go physically and mentally.
2. Slide your hands over your body. The pressure that you should exert with your fingertips should be gentle as a caress.
3. Rub your shoulders and nape. It will help reduce the tension .
4. Slide your hands up to your waist and then up your back, moving your thumbs to the sides of your column . Stand at the level of your knees, run your thighs on the inside until you reach your buttocks and pinch them gently; You must be tactful to avoid hurting her.

5. Go down to your calves and massage with circular movements, this will favor the delivery of your partner. The feet are a part of the body where a lot accumulates tension , so you should give it a light massage in the whole plant.

6. You can toggle the massage in various parts of your body, but pay special attention and try to stimulate it mainly in the lips, the lobes of the ears, your breasts (areolas and nipples) and the pubic triangle, where the caresses should be firmer but without leaving aside the delicacy.

If you follow these steps, she can relax her muscles and will stimulate the segregation of hormones that will increase your desire, preparing you to start the relationship .

All parts of your body will react to your caresses, so improvisation can be as pleasurable as it is extensive. It will depend on both its duration.

Do not forget that the massage It is as important as a suitable environment, so we recommend applying it in a serene room, with dim lighting and pleasant aroma. The details are very important to her, so use your imagination and dare to change her sex life .

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