6 actions that make you smarter

Howard Gardner, psychologist of the Harvard University, indicates that intelligence can be understood as the potential that each individual has to warn and face the various problems of life, but this can not be quantified since there are different types: visual, emotional, mathematical and musical. However, if you can be smarter.

There are actions, within daily life, that help you to exercise and develop it and GetQoralHealth He presents you six of them. Discover what they are!

1. Talk more. Conversation with other people on friendly terms can improve brain functioning and our ability to solve problems, according to a new study from the University of Michigan (USA) published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. However, if the tone of the conversations is competitive they do not have cognitive benefits.

2. Write backwards. Look for a black and white figure that includes one or more human figures. Put it upside down (rotate it 180 degrees), and copy it as you see it on a separate sheet, concentrating on lines and profiles, not content. When finished, put both images in their normal position. With this action you will be developing visual intelligence, according to the University of the Andes.

3. Goodbye to crossword puzzles, yes to "n-back training". An investigation published in the Association of Psychological Science in Washington, by the expert John Jonides of the University of Michigan , indicates that practicing this type of task for 20 minutes a day is a period of 20 days improves intelligence; that is, the ability to reason and solve new problems.

In tasks "n-back" is a task in which a figure is shown or a sound is played and the subject is asked to press a key when a stimulus is the same as the one that was repeated a number of positions before. This involves memorizing and remembering a number of stimulus cycles successively.

4. Improve your diet. Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in the United States , discovered that there are three components of food that strengthen synapses - connections between neurons - and increase cognitive abilities: choline, present in eggs; uridine monophosphate, contained in beet, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is found in fatty fish such as salmon.

5. Sleep. Deep sleep or known as MOR (rapid eye movements), helped people to combine their ideas in a novel way, as stated by the psychiatrist Sara Mednick, leader of the research.

6. Increase your sexual activity . Sex increases the production of neurons and therefore makes people smarter. This is the result of a study conducted by Benedetta Leuner, d orator Institute of Neuroscience at Princeton University, in the United States.

Being smarter can be achieved by performing these activities more regularly in your daily life.

Remember, routine, disinterest and sedentary lifestyle not only limit your body but also your mind. Beware!

Video Medicine: 8 Signs You're Way Smarter Than People Around (May 2024).