5 tips to prevent ejaculation

In order to have a pleasant sexual life, people should let themselves be carried away by caresses and desire; However, the male orgasm can sometimes arrive very quickly, so it is necessary to know some keys to avoid ejaculation.

According to the psychologist Marianne Leyton , collaborator of the portal About, if your partner has problems with premature ejaculation or you just want to prolong the pleasure in your sexual relations, the following tips will help you to achieve it:


  1. Stop. When your partner tells you that he is about to ejaculate, stop moving, this way you will reduce the excitement. You can complement with caresses or kisses while this happens.
  2. Observe Analyze your breathing. People usually inhale and exhale quickly and strongly, so guide them to take a deep breath and control their sexual energy. Once you have regained control, restart the sexual movements slowly and sensually.
  3. Press the perineum. This area is located in front of the anus and allows to stop ejaculation effectively. Squeeze firmly without hurting him for a few seconds, while he raises his pelvic muscles.
  4. Pull the testicles. You can detect that a man is going to ejaculate when his testicles get close to the body. If you gently pull them away from the body you can delay ejaculation.
  5. Squeeze of penis. At the moment when your excitement level is at maximum, stop the movements and remove the penis from the vagina, so that you squeeze it sensually between your fingers, either under the glans, at the base or at the tip.

After practicing any of these points, continue with the erotic game to recover the excitement and continue enjoying the intimate encounter. Remember to keep an open communication to express your tastes.

Video Medicine: Cure Premature Ejaculation in JUST 2 WEEKS (May 2024).