How is the heart of women?

Each year, cardiovascular diseases take the lives of more than 70,000 Mexicans, which occurs mainly in people older than 59 years, explains Gerardo Rodríguez Díez, attached to the ABC campus Observatorio and Ángeles del Pedregal hospitals, in Mexico City . However, every day it occurs in young people and more often among women.

Social, environmental, lifestyle, and even gender factors reduce the quality of life and health of people, even from childhood, which triggers more and more cardiovascular diseases: "The mortality rate is higher in women, with 10% unlike men, which is 5.8% ", reports Carlos Martínez, president of the Mexican Society of Cardiology.

Although the risk factors of a heart attack could have coincidences or similarities between men and women, they die more: before the age of 60, in addition, heart attacks are twice as lethal as in men. A Mexican woman gets sick more than the man of the heart and dies, according to

Mariano Ledesma, president of the National Association of Cardiologists of Mexico (ANCAM) reports that 63.3% of women who died suddenly did not know they had heart problems.

While in men the main factors of cardiovascular diseases are age, serum cholesterol, smoking, obesity and systolic blood pressure; whereas in women, hematocrit, vital capacity, glycemia and age are the ones that most influence, especially when they are over 60 years old.

Also, cardiovascular problems more specifically female are varicose veins or hypertension, in addition to heart disease. Other disorders can be constipation, anemia, depression or anxiety.

The biological differences between men and women are evident; However, these have claimed the lives of more women due to the situation of "medical invisibility" or Yentl syndrome, as it was named by the doctor Bernardine Healy, in a study published in the magazine The New England Journal of Medicine.

This is that there is a disparity in the treatment, diagnosis, care and rehabilitation in most cases of cardiovascular diseases in women because the bulk of the research on coronary problems was carried out only in the male population, explains Noel Bairey Merz, director of the Women's Heart Center at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.

Therefore, specialists determine that more campaigns are needed to promote awareness of these differences, as well as research that leads to solutions oriented to female characteristics, because otherwise, cardiovascular diseases will be a predominant problem in women between 35 and 65 years

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