Learn to love yourself for what you are!

One of the most important psychological problems in the world is the large number of people with low self-esteem , situation that causes suffering insecurity , nervousness, awkwardness or exaggerated concerns, indicates the Mexican Association of Alternatives in Psychology (AMAPSI) .

According to a study of Build, Regional Observatory for Women in Latin America and the Caribbean A.C. , the Mexican woman has low self-esteem , 57% of them express that it is difficult to feel beautiful when confronted with ideals current


Learn to love yourself for what you are!


Situations that exceed

But what things kill the self esteem of women? There are different factors, both internal and social, that cause self-esteem to be affected, these are some of them.

1. Infidelity. Janis Abrahms Spring , clinical psychologist and author of the book "After the Affair, Life With Pop, How Can I Forgive You?" , after discovering a infidelity they experience the most essential loss of their autonomy and self esteem .

2. Criticism Isabel S. Larraburu , clinical psychologist in the Teknon Medical Center in Barcelona , indicates that a severe problem for the self esteem is when you start to believe that critics They are true and they think they are worth less than the others.


When this happens, you can become someone who is only asking to be approved and valued by others, and this need to avoid rejection makes you humiliate yourself and give more than you deserve to be loved "

3. Social networks. A study of University of Haifa , Israel, explains that the longer the teenagers on Facebook, they are more likely to develop a body image negative and even eating disorders .

4. "Pancita". For women it is very important how they look, when the overweight occurs in young women and adolescents, the image of an obese figure creates the decrease in self esteem , it states Manuel Mejía Peña , psychiatrist of the Salvadoran Association of Psychiatry .  

5. Skin problems. The doctor Claudio Vallejos of the Vespucio Clinic , in Chile, details that conditions such as varicose veins, can cause not only physical problems but also an impact on self esteem for being a visible defect.


Self-love to be happy

Live a stage of low self-esteem it's not easy for them, Maud Purcell , founding psychotherapist The Life Solution Center of Darien , USA, recommends that women should encourage attitude positive to be able to get out of their problems and meet their goals.


By acting with confidence, women begin to feel this way. Find other women in your life who take risks and have a healthy self-esteem and take them as a guide to get ahead "

Each of the things that kill the self esteem of women has a way of solving, when you can not alone, it is best to go with a specialist who can help improve situations so that life becomes cheerful again and happy . Love as you are, more than anyone.

Video Medicine: Learning to Love Yourself | Amanda Jetté Knox | TEDxYouth@Nepean (May 2024).