Know your level of anxiety

Worrying excessively about a family, work or personal issue is a symptom of anxiety that little by little damages the health of those who suffer it.

According to information from Juliana Pineda, psychologist and partner terpaeuta, there are degrees anxiety that are normal, however, if this limit is exceeded it is necessary to resort to professional help to address this condition.

Know your level of anxiety in the next test.

1. You tend to worry excessively about activities such as work or school performance, or family relationships.
to) Forever
b) Sometimes
c) Never

2. You have difficulty controlling your state of constant concern for any situation.
to) Forever
b) Sometimes
c) Never

3. When you feel anxious you present concern, fatigue Difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, disorders of the dream , among others.
to) Forever
b) Sometimes
c) Never

4. The anxiety and the physical symptoms cause clinically signi fi cant discomforts, social, labor or other important areas of your life.
to) Forever
b) Sometimes
c) Never

5. The intensity, duration or frequency of occurrence of episodes of anxiety They are disproportionate to the possible consequences that may result from the situation or the event that I fear.
to) Forever
b) Sometimes
c) Never

6. It is difficult for you to forget the worries to devote the necessary attention to the tasks you are doing at that moment, and even more difficult to eliminate them completely.
to) Forever
b) Sometimes
c) Never

7. You care excessively for circumstances of daily life, such as economic issues, family, failures and minor problems, etc.
to) Forever
b) Sometimes
c) Never

8. In addition to muscle tension, you present tremors, restlessness and muscle aches.
to) Forever
b) Sometimes
c) Never

9. You have somatic symptoms such as cold hands, dry mouth, Sweating , sickness , etc. and other exaggerated startle responses.
to) Forever
b) Sometimes
c) Never

10. Sometimes, punctuality is the topic that centers your excessive worries.
to) Forever
b) Sometimes
c) Never


Add the points: a) 6; b) 4; c) 2.



Do not worry. It is normal that you suffer, at certain times, more or less intense attacks of anxiety . This is an adaptive emotional response that puts you on alert to certain con fl icts.


While you do not have the disorder anxiety generalized, it is important that you detect what events make you anxious and where the restlessness you are experiencing originates.


Maybe you suffer from disorder anxiety . Feeling anxious blocks you and prevents you from completing your tasks. It is important that you seek professional help immediately. With a cognitive behavioral therapy you can improve your quality of life. Maybe you need some medication if your reactions are uncontrollable. Good luck!

Video Medicine: Do you have anxiety? (TEST) (April 2024).