5 tips against respiratory infections

The respiratory infections acute are a health problem during the Autumn Winter , which represent between the third and fourth cause of mortality in children under five years of age. According to the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), medical care for respiratory infections that occur in this time are increased up to 30%, due to exposure to sudden changes in temperature and viruses causing these problems have greater proliferation by the wind and condensed cold environment. Juan Rosas Peña , head of the External Consultation Regional General Hospital (HGR) number 1 "Dr. Carlos Mac Gregor Sánchez Navarro "of the IMSS, said that children under five and adults over 60 are the most vulnerable to get some disease in the airways. The main conditions are: rhinopharyngitis (common cold), pharyngitis tonsillitis (inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils), seasonal influenza (flu), acute otitis media (ear inflammation), laryngitis (larynx inflammation) and bronchopneumonia (inflammatory process of the respiratory system) or pneumonia (lung infection). The specialist indicated that the population should take preventive actions such as:

  1. Apply the vaccinations corresponding for the prevention of respiratory infections and avoid drafts.
  2. Keep a balanced feeding rich in citrus fruits such as: orange, lemon, guava, grapefruit, carrot and tomato, among others.
  3. Avoid the smoking Active or passive smoker, go to places with high concentration of people and contact with sick people.
  4. Increase hygiene habits, allow natural ventilation of enclosed spaces and drink plenty of natural water.
  5. Do not self-medicate because the condition may be complicated, and it is preferable that patients go to the Family Medicine Units (UMF) from the first symptom to receive timely attention, as well as to finish with the indicated treatment to avoid relapses.


  1. Fever
  2. Headache and throat pain
  3. Attack to the general state
  4. Runny nose of mucopurulent aspect (mucus and pus)
  5. Cough

For this reason, it is recommended to follow the prevention measures previously indicated in order to avoid discomfort and major complications in the respiratory tract .  

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Video Medicine: How to Naturally Treat Upper Respiratory Infections, RSV, Bronchitis & Pneumonia in Children (May 2024).