5 sufferings that are reduced when meditating

The practice of various meditation techniques since ancient times has been associated with a series of physical, emotional and spiritual benefits for those who carry them out; Its effects on health has been demonstrated through scientific studies at present.

In addition to the association with balance, peace and relaxation, various meditation techniques have been used to prevent, treat or counteract the symptoms of many ailments, among which are:

1. Stress . Herbert Benson, professor and researcher at Harvard University In his studies, he concluded that the practice of some meditation technique, such as transcendental meditation, counteracted the cerebral mechanisms associated with stress , thanks to the fact that it modifies brain activity (gamma and alpha waves) that undergo alterations during this state, achieving physical and emotional relaxation.

2. Chronic depression A study led by John Teasdale of the Cognitive and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge , England, shows that the combination of a cognitive therapy and introspective meditation, allows patients with chronic depression to reduce the most acute symptoms, such as pain, anger and negative emotions, in addition to reducing 50% their relapses.

3. Heart diseases . Various current scientific studies, such as the Institute of Natural Medicine and Prevention of the Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in Maharishi Vedic City , Iowa, has shown that transcendental meditation reduces hypertension, improves quality of life and helps prevent premature heart disease and death. The foregoing is due to the fact that, according to the research, his practice has managed to reduce in certain percentages the medication against cholesterol and triglycerides, among other benefits.

4. Alzheimer's Studies carried out in the University of California (UCLA) show that meditation not only reduces some risk factors to develop the disease, such as inflammation, stress and feelings of loneliness and abandonment that are involved in mental degeneration, but also prevents the occurrence of other mental illnesses in both patients as in their caregivers.

5. Respiratory diseases. According to a study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison , people who do mindfulness meditation, which focuses on paying attention to the body and emotions, were more protected against respiratory diseases, such as flu and the cold, in addition to reducing acute infections in these pathways.

In general, the practice of any of the meditation techniques is recommended for the strengthening and optimal state of the brain, as well as for the treatment of cancer and other chronic diseases (diabetes, atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, etc.), in accordance with the fixed program available to National Institutes of Health of the United States.

Video Medicine: Mantra To Remove Pain And Suffering | Asatoma Sadgamaya Healing Mantra For Health (April 2024).