Meditation reduces cortisol levels

The meditation reduces cortisol levels and provides relief from its effects on health, making it an effective way to control stress, according to an investigation of the Shamatha Project at the University of California, Davis.

The development of mindfulness is the way in which meditation helps to control stress, due to the ability to concentrate the mental resources of immediate experience in favor of breathing and relaxation .

According to the study published in the magazine Health Psycology, high levels of cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal gland, are associated with physical or emotional stress. The prolonged release of this hormone contributes to a wide range of adverse effects, on a number of physiological systems.

The Guided Meditation helps to control stress by reducing cortisol levels and its continuous release, in addition to releasing the body and mind of tension, anxiety and other symptoms that prevent proper relaxation and concentration .

According Tonya Jacobs, researcher at the UC Davis Center for the Mind and the Brain , "This is the first study that shows a direct relationship between resting cortisol and scores on any kind of attention scale."

To carry out this study, which has been supported by the Dalai Lama , applied a questionnaire to a series of volunteers to record aspects of care during an intensive retirement meditation during three months. In addition, they measured the levels of cortisol in the saliva of the participants.

As part of the results, they observed that at the individual level there was a correlation between a high score for attention and a low cortisol score before and after the withdrawal. In people whose questionnaire score was higher after retirement, the levels decreased.

To control stress and reduce cortisol levels, meditation focuses the cognitive resources of a person towards the immediate sensory experience and the tasks to be performed, so that the more you can focus on it, the lower the cortisol levels.

In addition, explain the specialists, the Guided Meditation It trains the mind to concentrate in such a way that it reduces the propensity to focus, complain and worry about the past or future, mental processes that imply a greater release of cortisol.

Video Medicine: Natural Herbal Supplements : Herbal Supplements to Decrease Cortisol Level (April 2024).