How is your vitamin D?

It can be obtained even with a slight exposure to the sun, but few know when you are suffering from a deficiency of vitamin D ; which is essential for the health of the muscles and to improve blood circulation.

According to a study conducted by the Harvard University in the United States and published in the magazine JAMA Neurology, suggests that the higher the level of vitamin D in the organism, the smaller the progression of multiple sclerosis in newly diagnosed patients.


How is your vitamin D?

If you do not know if you consume enough of this vitamin, here are some signs that will help you distinguish it.

1. Depression . According to a study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , women with low levels of D are twice as likely to have depression.

2. Fractures. The vitamin D promotes bone growth, but when it is low, bones they become weak, that is, the risk of suffering stress fractures increases.

3. Drowsiness In a 2012 study published inl Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine , revealed that low levels of vitamin D They are linked to the highest levels of sleepiness during the day.

4. Bad mood. Before blaming irritability on your premenstrual syndrome, vitamin D affects levels of serotonin in the brain, which also affects your mood.

5. Decrease your resistance. There is a reduction of aerobic capacity and the general resistance of athletes with low levels of vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency can be a situation that is caused by obesity, poor diet or lack of physical activity. Remember that your health is in your hands. Do not forget, take care!

Video Medicine: Vitamin D: The Miracle Supplement Video - Brigham and Women's Hospital (April 2024).