5 relaxation exercises

Daily stress damages our health and our body because it generates fatigue, anxiety and nervousness, that is, directly impacts our quality of life. Therefore, we must know some relaxation exercises that help us calm down and keep our body in shape.

Our body needs a little stress to function correctly and achieve our goals, however, when it registers in excess it impacts the immune system and generates sleep disorders.

In accordance with JC Peters, collaborator of Spirituality & Health Magazine , stresses that there are relaxation exercises that activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which regulates tension and rest. Know them!

1.- Legs in the wall. Lie on your back with your legs bent, near a wall. Stretch the legs so that they are parallel to the wall. Place your hands on your belly or on your sides.

You can complement with a cushion below the hip, so that the position is more comfortable. Take a scarf and place it over your eyes and concentrate on your breathing to reach a state of relaxation for 10 or 20 minutes. Slowly bend your knees to your chest and roll to the side, to get up.

2.- Hands up. Stand up with your feet parallel and a little apart. Inhale as you raise your arms to the sides without flexing them, they must be above your head. Exhale to lower the arms to the height of the shoulders. Repeat nine times and on the last exhalation lower your arms completely.

3.- Open heart. Inhale as you stretch your arms and open them sideways, as if you were going to give a big hug. Exhale while you close your arms and join your hands so that they are stretched at the height of your head, you can tilt your head a little so that your muscles stretch. Make nine repetitions.

4.- Stretch the column. Stand up and interlace the fingers of your hands. Raise your arms slowly and let your hands rest on top of your head. Turn your hands upside down and inhale to stretch all the muscles. Open your hands and slowly lower your arms.

Inhale and interlace your hands behind your hips. Exhale as you raise your arms and flex your trunk forward as if you wanted to touch your forehead with your knees. Repeat nine times.

5.- Hands on the body. Stand up right. Place your left hand at the height where your heart is and right on the belly. Feel how your breath travels through your body.

The basis of relaxation exercises is breathing, so try to inhale and exhale slowly during the routine. After the movements you will feel renewed and free of stress. Enjoy it!

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Video Medicine: Exercises for Stress Reduction & Deep Relaxation - Part 4 of 4 - Deep Conscious Sleep (April 2024).