3 postures to relax your legs

Do your legs hurt or do you feel inflamed? Reduce these discomforts and improve flexibility and avoid leg injuries with yoga asanas for runners.

According to information published by the Huffington Post, Yoga for runners improves your physical performance, your posture when running and prevents tears or sprains.

Practice the following three yoga postures for runners and stretch the hamstring muscles, which give you the strength and momentum to run faster.

Dog down: This yoga pose for runners will help you warm up your muscles to prevent injuries and increase your flexibility. Stand up straight and flex your body forward; place your hands on the ground so that your body forms an inverted V. Flex one knee and move it as if you wanted to touch the ground. Hold the posture for 10 breaths and change legs.

Blocks: Get two small blocks to perform the posture. Stand with your feet separated at hip height. Raise one leg to one of the blocks and flex your torso to the front with your back straight. Hold the posture for a minute and change legs.

Stretch: A lie on your back with your shoulders relaxed. Place a garter on the sole of the right foot, stretch the garter at the same time you raise the leg until it is fully stretched. Hold the posture for five minutes and alternate with the other leg.

With these yoga postures for runners you will have a better physical condition and your performance will rise to 100%. Remember that you must supplement this routine with a balanced diet and stretching exercises. If you want to know more about yoga, click here.

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