5 reasons to exercise in the morning

Exercising is always beneficial for your physical, mental and emotional health because besides helping you to be in shape, it helps to reduce or prevent ailments like the same stress, due to the current pace of life.

However, by this same rhythm, we almost always argue that we do not have time or do not know when or where. The schedule is one of the main aspects to determine when we have already decided to do so.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we give you several reasons to do it in the morning, according to vitonica.com information:

1. Burn more calories : The earlier you act, the faster your metabolism . You can accelerate it for hours, which means that when you train for a while in the morning, you burn calories for the whole day.

2. Improve mental acuity : Several studies show that exercising strengthens mental activity the rest of the day; effect that can last 10 h. after morning training.

3. Regulate the appetite : Exercising in the morning regulates appetite for the whole day. The first thing is that you start to burn calories after having breakfast and done digestion . In addition, the feeling of hungry .

4. Very few dropouts : 90% of people who have been exercising regularly for years or their whole life, are the ones who train in the morning. Therefore, it is easier to maintain a good training program.

5. Energy injection : Exercising charges you with energy for the whole day. In addition, it allows you a better rest and quality of dream .

Going for a walk or running for half an hour, go for a while fitness center , swimming or going out by bike, can be one of the options as exercise in the morning. It is not about training at the top, but about activating yourself little by little, as if you were just warm up.

Remember that in the morning the energy may still be low, so your level of activity should be medium-low and always spend a few minutes to warm up and stretch.

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