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Would you have noticed that a mathematical rule would be able to determine what is the ideal age to marry? It's not a joke, and it would be convenient to apply it!

It's called the 37% rule and measures the limited time frame we have to assess important decisions in our lives.

Not only does it work to decide on love, it can also help you choose jobs, a new department or a new roomie, for example.

The rule works like this: you must choose to sit head after having left with 37% of your romantic options, and this in age is around the age of 26, assuming that your love life will last from 18 to 40 years.

By choosing a potential husband before that age, you might miss the opportunity to find great potential partners whom you would meet later.

However, if you wait more, your potential husband or wife could be out of the market by then.

Will you apply the rule?