More alcohol, greater complications

Testicular function altered, impotence , infertility and disorders in the sexual desire are some of the ways in which alcoholism harms the sex life, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Although, both women and men, resort to alcohol Because of its relaxing effects and disinhibition, this is a depressant of Central Nervous System , which prevents achieving sexual excitement and the orgasms , indicates a study of Columbia University .


More alcohol, greater complications

By drinking too much alcohol , the organism suffers dehydration that causes problems to get a erection , due to the reduction of volume in the blood and the hormone increase angiotensin , associated with the erectile dysfunction , check the Henri Poincaré University .

On the other hand, this same phenomenon of dehydration causes heavy fatigue in women, Headaches , but more significantly, vaginal dryness, which translates to pain during the penetration and subsequent to it.


Less orgasms

Have less orgasms is another way in which the alcoholism It harms the sexual life. In a study published by the Archives of Sexual Behavior , 11% of the consumers of this drink had problems to reach the climax .

Men presented difficulties for ejaculate , whereas women needed much more time to reach the orgasm , compared to those who drank little or no amount of alcohol .


Long-term effects

Take one or two drinks alcoholic It does not represent a potential damage, however exceeding five a week is associated with low quality of the sperm : less sperm and alteration in its size and shape, which complicates the fertility affirms the Southern Denmark University .

The alcohol is the substance that most significantly affects the sexual excitement, and the worst news is that, according to researchers from the University of Granada , is a problem that continues to occur even among people who have not consumed it for years.

Video Medicine: Alcohol related liver disease early or advance symptoms What Complications and Diet treatment (May 2024).