5 movies about real diseases

In the cinema it is common to see stories, fantastic, mysterious, funny and even surprising; However, many of his scripts are based on real life, reaching to touch the purest fibers of human life. Health problems have not escaped this issue, questioning and describing the situation of strange diseases, the feelings of patients and the point of view of who externally suffers the problem.

Then we invite you to know some of the examples taken to the big screen, informing you of the synopsis and the suffering that involves each one:


Trapped with no way out (mentally ill)

This winning story of 5 Oscars, presents Randle Patrick McMurphy (protagonist of the story), who to avoid jail convinces the judge to be admitted to a psychiatric institution.

The story portrays what life could be like inside a center for the mentally ill, little by little situations are discovered in which patients play different roles in the group of inmates. Some develop true psychiatric problems, while others base their biggest problem on depression and self-esteem.

The Spanish portal lavanguardia.es reported that 20% of adolescents worldwide have some mental health problem that involve psychiatric behavior, according to the annual report on the State of the World's Children (EMI) of Unicef.

A brilliant mind (Schizophrenia)

Film based on the life of John F. Nash, suffering from schizophrenia, who received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994, as co-author of the theory of the game and participated in the World Congress of Psychiatry held in Madrid in 1996, offering a talk about of his experience as a patient.

The film narrates the arrival of Nash at Princeton University in 1947 and the beginning of the symptoms of schizophrenia in the late 50s, so the film reflects the different stages and states through which he passed, as a patient, until achieving an acceptable level of recovery.

About 1 million Mexicans suffer from schizophrenia. Each year 250,000 people are hospitalized for mental disorders in the Psychiatric Hospitals of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) where 5 out of 10 patients are schizophrenic, a disease that currently affects 1 in 100 people in the world.

Bad Habits (Eating Disorders)

While it is a Mexican film, the story raises a reflection of a world in which some want to be able to eat, while others waste or abhor this act. The film describes how anorexia and bulimia ceased to be exclusive diseases of social classes or international catwalks, to become a situation that equally affects a nun, a mother of a family, that a girl.

There is a big difference in the use of the term anorexia and anorexia nervosa. People commonly associate the two as the same. Although both terms denote the loss of appetite of a person; the term anorexia denotes the physical inability to detect hunger. However, the term anorexia nervosa refers to a psychological state in which the individual distorts his or her vision of appetite and eating habits appropriate to extreme measures of food deprivation.

The eyes of Julia (Blindness)

The story is about twin sisters Julia and Sarah, both suffering from a degenerative disease that keeps them progressively blind.

When not receiving news of his sister Julia decides to go in his search.Upon arriving at the place where she must have been, Sarah discovers that she has committed suicide; However, this is not enough for Julia who not only has to face the loss of her sister, but also the loss of all hope to stop her impending blindness, since she suffers from the same disease and seems to share her same destiny.

The clinical signs of vision loss are: blurred vision, complete blindness, eye pain with redness of the eye, sensation of seeing "flying flies" or "luminous rays".

Timely detection is important for the ophthalmologist to make an accurate diagnosis and the necessary procedure can be carried out to restore the problem.


Goodbye to the vegas (Alcoholism)

A classic film that shows the extreme of alcoholism. A man who loses his job and goes to Las Vegas spending his last economic resources on alcohol. What makes this film a painful testimony for those who have suffered from this disease.

In the film, the classic scenes of an alcoholic glass are not presented as a sign of sophistication and status. Goodbye to Las Vegas is not a film against the consumption of alcohol, it is a heartbreaking and painful testimony, in which one can observe the reactions of the withdrawal syndrome, the mood swings of a person suffering from alcoholism and a tendency to self destruction.

In reality there are many tests to diagnose alcoholism, usually in the form of standardized questionnaires that the patient can do on their own or in the form of an interview conducted by the doctor. Since alcoholics often deny their problem or lie about it, the tests are designed to elicit responses related to problems associated with drinking, rather than the amounts of liquor consumed or specific drinking habits.

The fastest test takes only one minute; it is called the CAGE test, an acronym for the following questions: (C) (Cut) attempts to reduce drinking; (A) (Annoyance) annoyance with criticism about drinking; (G) (Guilt) blames about drinking; and (E) (Eye-opener) use of alcohol in the morning, literally "eye opener".

Video Medicine: Real Psychologist Reviews Mental Illness In Movies (May 2024).