5 benefits of firming creams

The choice of body lotion It is totally personal, but it is necessary to take into account the type of skin or the skin problem that is intended to be resolved or controlled.

Besides, the skin of the body suffers an aging process different from the one that develops on the face, because it does not wrinkle easily, but it loses elasticity, softness and humidity. Because, GetQoralHealth gives you five benefits for you to use the firming creams .

  1. The daily application of a cream must become an inescapable habit, to restore the protective film of the dermis that, inevitably, deteriorates during the daily bath.
  2. They tone, smooth and reinforce the surface of the skin in order to prevent its elastic fibers from suffering damage.
  3. They help to regenerate tissues who have lost their firmness.
  4. The best time to apply these products is after the bath, because the humidity favors the penetration of the active ingredients.
  5. The best creams contain lactic and fruit acids (attenuate stains caused by sun and aging, soften the folds, improve elasticity and firmness, and remove the surface layer of the skin ), those of collagen (they guarantee flexibility and tonicity) and those of elastin (they grant flexibility and resistance against the sun.)

So that body creams kept in good condition should be kept in a cool place and protected from sunlight. In addition, it is important to monitor certain aspects that at first glance can be a sign that the formula should not be used:

  1. If its color has changed (it turns yellow)
  2. When the product releases water before extracting the cream it means that the emulsion has broken and, therefore, will no longer offer benefits to the skin
  3. The presence of some change in the smell is also an indication that it has been damaged and should not be used.

Are all creams used to improve the skin?

In the case of toning creams it is important to know that, sometimes, one or several of the skin structures do not work properly due to hormonal changes, for a diet deficient in nutrients, abruptly modify the weight body or by the extreme sensitivity of the skin towards environmental conditions or to various chemical substances.

The above can generate dry , irritation , spots, stretch marks , flaccidity, cellulitis Y allergies . In these cases (or if you want to help the skin it is beautiful and healthy) it is essential to resort to creams that prevent the loss of moisture and protect the dermis.

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