5 asanas for a flat stomach

Are you tired of your abs and would you like to do other types of exercises to show off a flat stomach? The yoga helps you eliminate the stress and maintain a defined silhouette without great efforts.

According to information from The Huffington Post , yoga increases your flexibility and effectively burns the grease of your body. Therefore, to get a flat stomach we give you the following asanas :

Tree position: Stand with your feet together. Raise your right leg and recharge your foot to the side of the knee. Extend your hands up or join the palms of your hand at chest level. Keep your balance and your abdomen contracted while doing 10 long deep breaths. Do it again with the other leg.

Extreme warrior: Stand up straight and take a long step forward with your left leg; bend your knee and lean forward. Turn your torso to the left side. The palms of your hands should be together and your eyes looking towards the ceiling. Hold the position for 10 long deep breaths and return to the starting position. Do it again with the other leg.

Inclined dog: Lie face down as if you were a lizard. Support your weight on your hands and stretch your left leg up, making a straight line with your body. Hold the posture for a few seconds and repeat 10 times with the same leg. Alternate with the other leg.

Warrior 3: Stand up straight and contract the abdomen. Lift your left leg back, at the same time you flex the body forward; stretch your hands above your head. Take three deep and long breaths and return to the starting position. Do it again with the other leg.

Knees: Stand on your knees with your back straight and your arms straight in front. Tilt your torso backwards without seeing the arms and keeping your head straight. Hold the asana for a few seconds and return to the original position. Repeat 10 times.

To complement this routine of belly plane, lDirector of the Mexican Institute of Yoga, Ana Paula Domínguez , gives you some postures to eliminate calories :

With these asanas you will achieve a toned body, but most importantly, you will forget about the grease in the body and you'll have a belly flat. Remember to eat a balanced diet and hydrate properly. And you, do you know other exercises for flat belly?

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Video Medicine: Basic Yoga : Yoga Poses for a Flat Stomach (May 2024).