10 tips to be more positive

To be happy does not require a fortune, mansions, beauty, etc., you just need to be a positive person. The Harvard University created a course on happiness, which according to testimonies has changed their lives.

So you do not have to make a long trip to U.S , GetQoralHealth reveals the 10 most important tips of this Course on Happiness .

1. Practice some exercise. Experts say what to do exercise It's just as good as taking a antidepressant to improve mood, 30 minutes of exercise is the best antidote against sadness and the stress .

2. Breakfast. Some people skip breakfast because they do not have time or do not want to get fat. It is proven that breakfast helps you to have energy, think and successfully perform your activities.

3. Thanks to life for all the good you have. Write on a paper 10 things you have in your life that give you happiness. When we make a gratitude list we force ourselves to focus on good things.

4. Be assertive. Ask what you want and say what you think. It is proven that being assertive helps improve your self esteem . Hold in silence everything they say and do, generates sadness and hopelessness.

5. Spend your money on experiences not on things. A university study found that 75% of people felt happier when they invested their money in trips, courses and classes; while 34% said they felt happier when they bought things.

6. Face your challenges. Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Various investigations show that the more you postpone something that you know you have to do, the more anxiety and voltage you generate. Write small weekly lists of tasks to complete and do them.

7. Listen to music. It is proven that listening to music awakens you the desire to sing and dance. This makes your life happy.

8. Always say hello and be nice to other people. Researchers in clinical psychology say that just by smiling, our mood changes.

9. Wear shoes that fit you comfortably. "If your feet hurt, you get bad," says the Dr. Keinth Wapner , President of the American Orthopedic Association .

10. Take care of your position. Walking straight with your shoulders slightly back and looking straight ahead helps maintain a good mood.

As you can see, it's just about learning some simple and very effective techniques to feel happy, healthy and positive. Good luck!

Video Medicine: How To Be More Happy, Healthy, Motivated, & Successful! (April 2024).