10 tips to avoid heart attacks

A heart attack or myocardial infarction occurs when the cardiac muscle It is damaged or does not receive enough oxygen. Many of the problems related to heart occur due to blockages in the arteries that carry purified blood from this organ to different parts of the body. Another cause is the formation of clots of blood .

The common signs of a heart attack are a oppression , pain or discomfort in the chest, in addition to Sweating , nausea and vomiting that are accompanied by intense Pressure on the chest; as well as pain that radiates and extends from the thorax to the left arm and lack of air for more than a few minutes. If you have any of the above symptom you should consult the doctor or go emergency to hospital.

The risk factor's of a heart attack include: smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, hypertension, family history of heart disease, atherosclerosis, lack of exercise, obesity and excessive consumption of fast foods .

Reducing the risks of a heart attack is possible; for this we give you these 10 tips which, we are sure, will result very useful .


  1. Stop smoking
  2. Eat healthy . Avoid fatty foods, excess salt and red meats
  3. Control your high blood pressure and, if necessary, diabetes
  4. Try the regular exercise At least 30 minutes a day. The walk is an excellent activity
  5. Do everything possible to maintain your ideal weight
  6. Choose a style of life healthy
  7. Practice meditation
  8. Do regular relaxation and accompany them with breathing exercises
  9. Submit to periodic evaluations by your cardiologist
  10. Include foods that are rich in antioxidants in your diet

The heart disease and deaths that occur from it, can be prevented by maintaining Your Health , find a Balance in life between work and other activities, leave the sofa and go for a walk outdoors. A good option is to stop seeing the sports on television and instead practice them yourself.