1. Your discomforts seem to disappear, then return with more strength

Let's face it, for most of us a cold is usually something "unimportant", a passing problem that has a solution with a little rest, hot tea and a few tablespoons of honey. However, sometimes, without realizing that nasal constipation can turn into something really serious.

So if you suffer from some of these symptoms during the cold, see the doctor immediately:


1. Your discomforts seem to disappear, then return with more strength

In accordance with Cary Sennett, president of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, when the symptoms seem to disappear, then return with fever and cough a sign that you have a secondary infection, which could be from bronchitis or pneumonia.

Video Medicine: How to Fix Scapular Winging (STEP BY STEP!) (May 2024).