1. Wash and disinfect the area

When there are children at home, it is very common to fall and scratch, the dilemma of every mother is how to solve it quickly and without so much pain. For this we have a quick guide that can save you.

A scrape is a wound on the skin, the area usually feels hot and sometimes swollen, accompanied by a burning sensation and itching. The skin is eroded, it hurts and sometimes the wound can be deep.

The most important thing is to keep in mind that we must keep the wound free of infections and agents that can contaminate it, that's why it acts fast:


1. Wash and disinfect the area

It is important that the first thing is to wash with soap and water, oxygenated water or distilled water, the area where the scrape occurs.

It eliminates waste of earth, lint or blood in case this happens.


2. Apply a remedy for swelling

Video Medicine: HOW TO CLEAN YOUR WASHING MACHINE !! (QUICK & EASY) (April 2024).