1. It's your best friend

In theory, you would have to kiss 15 couples, go through two long relationships and break your heart twice, before finding the indicated man for the rest of your life. Or at least that's what a study headed by Graeme Simsion , author of "The Rosie Project" .

But, does the indicated man and are there any signs that help you know that you found it? Yes, because the key is not to find the perfect person, but to whom you can to love as it is, that makes you happy and accepts completely, indicates the psychotherapist Soraya Founty .

Although, they are not a general nor unbreakable rule, there are some signals that the experts indicate that they can help you know that you found the indicated man . I share some of them.


1. It's your best friend

They have fostered a relationship where you can be 110% yourself, you feel free and you enjoy the little things in life at your side. It's not only you partner If it is the ideal, it is also your best friend, indicates Danielle Eva Pewhairangi , couching of life.


2. Care about you

Although your happiness does not depend on a man, it is good that you have someone who support when things are not going well So clear is that, being by your side you feel that the problems of life are less strong because you have it by your side.


3. It makes you feel special

If your partner lights you from the inside, increase your self esteem and it offers you all the pleasures that you require, without a doubt it is the ideal person, indicates Iris Krasnow , author of "Sex After ... Women Share How Intimacy Changes As Life Changes" .


4. It is your first choice

your partner It's your # 1 choice when you think about who you can eat that favorite candy with, watch the movie you're waiting for and forget about the manners On a very heavy day, because you know it will be a guarantee of happiness. And in reality, you do not prefer to be with anyone else.


5. Are treated with respect

From opening the door to enter to the question of "how are you?", The respect On his part it comes from many opportunities and it is evident. But besides you are capable of worry for their needs more than for yours, and vice versa, says Danielle Eva Pewhairangi.

If right now other thoughts go through your mind why you think he is the ideal person and what fortunate that you are having found it, then it is. Remember that you heart He is the first one who can tell you and when you know it, you know it.