Stress triggers facial paralysis

The rhythm of life so accelerated that some people have directly impacts on health, because stress is one of the causes of facial paralysis, assure specialists of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), of the State of Mexico.

Facial paralysis is the partial or total loss of movement of one side of the face and can occur at any age, both in men and women.

Specialists in the area of ​​Physical Rehabilitation of the Regional General Hospital 251 of the IMSS , the symptoms of facial paralysis include problems with chewing, speech and fluid leakage through the mouth.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Dr. Olivia Avila , otorhinolaryngologist, explains how treatments are designed to treat facial paralysis:

For their part, the IMSS specialists detail that the most common rehabilitation is the application of local heat, drugs, electrotherapy and exercises that promote facial muscle mobility, as well as therapeutic massages.

In addition, they recommend leading a healthy lifestyle, that is, with an adequate body weight, reducing stress and avoiding tobacco use. And you, have you ever had facial paralysis?

Video Medicine: What Causes Bell's Palsy (April 2024).