You dream of being a mom ...

In Mexico, four people are born every minute; 104 children per 100 girls according to figures from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) . However, according to data from the first Infertility Market Census in Mexico, 3 out of 10 couples suffer from it.

Before opting for an assisted reproduction procedure you can opt for a change of habits, many of which affect whether you can be more fertile or not.

You dream of being a mom ...

For him Dr. Miguel Ángel Checa, Head of Human Reproduction at the Hospital del Mar and coordinator of the guide "Lifestyle and Fertility", i Indicate that there are habits that can diminish the chances of a couple to be parents and others that can make them more fertile.

Therefore, we present some actions of your daily life that can help you fulfill that dream:

1. A caloric breakfast. According to a study by the University of Tel Aviv, notes that respecting meal times could help control glucose and insulin levels in normal-weight women who suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which would improve their fertility levels.

2. Stop watching TV. Spending more than 20 hours a week in front of the TV screen is linked to a low sperm count in men, according to an investigation of the Harvard University in the United States.

3. Stress and anxiety. They are enemies of conception. In the case of females, it can contribute to the disappearance of the rule, and in men alter the seminal quality.

4. Avoid placing your cell phone in your bag . In a report published in Fertility and Sterility, the researchers conclude that keeping the cell phone in a pocket of pants in talk mode could negatively affect sperm and damage fertility in men.

5. Sport . It is positive, but in moderation. When a very intense exercise is practiced (for example, three spinning classes per week), the seminal quality decreases and menstruation can disappear.

6. More sex. Not having sex for more than five days could adversely affect the sperm count, according to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. But intervals as short as two days do not affect the density of the sperm.

Remember that before you get pregnant and during this period it is essential that you go to a health expert. Do not forget!