Wrong haircut?

Most people who seek a change of look and who go to the aesthetic already have in mind a haircut that gives them the freshness that your face needs or because they saw it in a celebrity.

However, when you risk completely changing the style of your hair, the result is not always satisfactory. Therefore, we present these tips in order to get the image you expect so much.

1. Have a clear picture: Find photos of artists or models that have cuts that you like and take them with you to the hairdresser. Generally, all hairstyles can be adapted to different types of hair and face.

If you have straight hair and want a cut for curly hair you will have to make a daily effort to get lukewarm. Remember that the important thing is to know the image you want to project.

2. It is necessary to detail your lifestyle: Explain to your stylist how long you want your hair, if you have time to fix it or not, or if you want an easy cut to maintain, among other things.

Every detail is important to you and to him. If you notice that he is not doing what you told him, ask him in a cordial way what he has in mind. Do not be afraid to ask or ask for an explanation. The hairdresser is a professional and knows that the client is the boss.

3. You can always correct in time: Explain what you do not like. Generally, a good professional can do something to fix the cut. What you should never do is get angry or wait for it to end.

4. Ask for advice and references: Identifying a good stylist is a difficult task. Ask your friends, relatives and even strangers to take good cuts where and who cuts their hair.

If you see that in your beauty salon there is another person that you like more as you work, simply make the next appointment with him or her, do not be afraid to hurt the feelings of your current hairdresser.

5. Communication: Communication is the key to a good haircut. Most hairdressers are excellent professionals but they need your help to be able to do what you want.

6. The most important advice: If you do not like the haircut at the end, do not feel bad about it. Think that, for your fortune, the hair grows. Try to fix it while reaching an optimum level to re-cut it and do not be afraid to experiment.

Do not stay with the same cut all your life because you're convinced that it looks good on you: an outdated haircut is the passport to look old-fashioned. And you, are you satisfied with your haircut?

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