Woman sweats blood and does not respond to treatment

An Italian woman, sweat blood and it does not respond to the treatment, it seems a horror story to read this, but unfortunately, it is reality.

This strange phenomena of sweating blood is known as hematohidrosis ; a disease that is characterized by presenting a hemorrhage which can last up to five minutes without stopping. It occurs mainly in episodes of stress and anxiety ; the blood vessels contract and dilate until they break.


It approaches the sweat glands and sweat mixes with blood

A 21-year-old Italian girl is the case studied in Italy. The treating doctors, Roberto Maglie and Marzia Caprioni, this woman sweat blood for about three years, mainly when he sleeps or practices some physical activity.


The doctors associate it with the fact that the young woman has presented pictures of anxiety, panic attacks and stress during the last years.

The treatment that follows is based on propranolol, which has made it possible to reduce bleeding but not eliminate them. Investigations for some alternative treatment are still ongoing.

It is important that before any sign of bleeding without apparent cause, consult your doctor as soon as possible, it could be hematohidrosis .